Normally based on subject matter chosen, after discussion, by our clients. Although workshop training contains all of the ingredients of a seminar, it is less academic and contains more practical examples of all of the key issues discussed. Workshop training is particularly designed to encourage involvement of the delegates by discussion, debate and in certain circumstances the involvement of delegates in practical problem solving.
Coaching & Training: Surgeries
Surgeries are the most flexible form of training in that they can include whatever subject the client requires. Normally dealt with as a regular appointment at our offices or at our client’s choice of venue. A surgery can offer particular training or it can involve working on live contracts dealing with problems as they arise. The training may include the writing of formal letters, contractual notices, providing legal and contractual arguments on time disputes or differences, or it may be providing commercial and contractual advice as your project progresses. It may be that on a particularly difficult project you require a watching brief perhaps once a month or other specified period.