Following on from my email last week, in which we discussed how the “Dynamic Progress Dashboard” (“DPD”) and “Line of Balance” assists our Clients and adds value, I would now like to describe the Project and the process that was adopted by Ramskill Martin in applying the “DPD” and the “LoB” Products, and delivering various benefits from the process.

The Project consists of 12 levels, 9 of which are apartments and 3 that provide the basement, swimming pool, spa, and car park.

The project became stressed with multiple delays and escalating costs. Ramskill Martin’s Senior Planner was introduced to the Project Team to assist with Management and development of the Programme. Early in the process it became apparent that the project and the Project Team would benefit from introducing our “Dynamic Progress Dashboard” (“DPD”) and “Line of Balance” (“LoB”) Products to the existing systems and processes.

Once the initial set up was complete, the Senior Management Team were provided with the following:


1. The DPD Report providing:

  • A focussed snapshot of the Project in terms of Programme and Progress.
  • A clear understanding of the high-level big picture of where critical time is being lost.


2. The LoB Review demonstrating that:

  • The Riser Formation output had been delayed and the severity of the delay during the contract so far.
  • The apartment wall construction outputs were in delay and that the Progress was gradually worsening.
  • The underfloor Heating and Screed outputs were in delay and became significantly worse.
  • The First-Fix Services were delayed, and the extent of Progress had been clearly identified.
  • These activities were suffering greater delays within apartments located adjacent to a particular elevation than to others.


3. Delivering a Solution, consisting of the following:

  • Regular up to date and concise Reports on Progress to the Senior Management Team.
  • By plotting the Elements together Ramskill Martin were able to establish that the root cause of the delays were manifested in the weathertightness to a specific elevation of the façade, resulting in the water ingress impacting on the fit-out.


It is believed that traditional Programming and Programme Analysis would not have delivered the same level of accuracy and/or speed in establishing the criticality of the Delays to these specific elements or apartments, the root cause of Delays, or the overall understanding about the Progress and Delays on the Project. This information was used in establishing the solutions or strategies to be adopted going forward and added significant value to the project.