a. Contract Value: £6,500,000.00
b. Scope of RM's Instruction: RM was instructed by the Responding Party defending a claim of £2.25m. The dispute included a Variation Account, Prolongation and other Loss and Expense.
c. Impact of RM's Input: RM’s Quantum and Delay Team of Experts successfully
defended the Adjudication with an Award by the Adjudicator, directing that RM’s
Client pay a sum of circa £275k; around 10% of the original claim being pursued.

a. Contract Value: £3,500,000.00
b. Scope of RM's Instruction: Under a bespoke form of contract our client applied for £380,000 plus VAT. Our clients Employer failed to issue a compliant payment or
Payless notice. Following a letter from RM advising the Employer of its default and
its obligation to pay the notified sum the Employer refused to make payment. RM commenced a Smash and Grab adjudication for £380k
c. Impact of RM's Input: The adjudicator decided in our clients favour. Fees were £20k overall including the initial advice, the letter to the Employer, and the adjudication process which included addressing some particularly challenging jurisdictional challenges.

a. Contract Value: £4,500,000.00
b. Scope of RM's Instruction: RM was instructed by the Referring Party in pursuing a claim of £975k. The dispute included a Variation Account and Remeasurement of Elements of the Works.
c. Impact of RM's Input: RM’s Quantum and Contractual Team of Experts successfully secured an Award by the Adjudicator, directing that the Main Contractor paid a sum of circa £800k; around 82% of the original claim being pursued.

a. Contract Value: £800,000.00
b. Scope of RM's Instruction: RM was instructed by the Referring Party to fully
substantiate the Final Account and then adjudicate on the outstanding sum of
£160k. The adjudication also included a defence of the Client’s claim for levying
Liquidated Damages in the sum of £320k.
c. Impact of RM's Input: RM’s Quantum and Time Team of Experts successfully
recovered 70% of the amount claimed and successfully defended all claims in
respect to Liquidated Damages.

a. Contract Value: £1,600,000.00
b. Scope of RM's Instruction: RM was instructed by the Referring Party in pursuing a claim of £100k arising out of a Bonus Scheme, which formed part of the Contract.
c. Impact of RM's Input: RM’s Quantum and Contractual Team of Experts successfully secured an Award by the Adjudicator, directing that the Main Contractor be paid a sum of circa £100k bonus by the Infrastructure Sub-Contractor, with an RM fee of only £10k.

a. Contract Value: £5,000,000.00
b. Scope of RM's Instruction: RM was instructed by the Referring Party in pursuing a claim of £450k in respect to a substantial Variation Account and Loss and Expense.
c. Impact of RM's Input: RM’s Quantum and Contractual Team of Experts successfully secured an Award by the Adjudicator, directing that the Employer be paid a sum of circa £325k.

a. Contract Value: £2,500,000.00
b. Scope of RM's Instruction: RM was instructed by the Referring Party – a Specialist Modular Build Contractor that was in dispute on an interim valuation with a Local Council. The dispute value was £320,000 and RM was engaged under a success fee arrangement.
c. Impact of RM's Input: RM’s Quantum and Contractual Team of Experts successfully secured an Award from the Adjudicator, directing that the Local Council paid a sum of £315,000; around 98% of the original claim being pursued.